
Do you need a refresher on how to change the torque settings but can't find your manual? Look no further. We have compiled all of our manuals in one convenient place so you can spend less time searching and more time making repairs.

Click on the image below to view manual

PP203 20V Cordless Drill

PP204 20V Cordless Sander

PP201 20V Cordless Vacuum

PP206 Hand Tool Kit

PP204B 20V Cordless Sander (Bare Tool)

PP201B 20V Cordless Vacuum (Bare Tool)

PP481 3.6V Electric Screwdriver

PP481-LK 3.6V Electric Screwdriver

HG2043 4V Electric Scissors

PP121Li 12V Cordless Drill

Old Manuals

Click on the image below to view manual







HG2043 - Electric Scissors


For a physical copy, kindly reach out to us on any of our channels and we can mail one out to you!


1834 Gunn Highway, Odessa, FL 33556

Text or Call: 813-304-2224

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